Hi Fellow members

The committee and me in particular do apologise for our failure to get our website updated each month, I did mention my lack of computer skills. Well two computers two printers and a lot of advice from good intentional friends here we are. We had results from Easter and the National then the computer would go blank...start again then blank again, then get over a virus. Sorted now at last.

The committee realise the knock on effect of the economic climate which has put family finances under pressure not just L&C but many other clubs and pastimes.

The Hotline is still open and you can email Hazel and Neal or any of the committee for the committee to put on an event. We need a full week (no money) just email or ring to book in. Then check in on Friday to check if event has moved or cancelled.

Hazel has mentioned a club meeting in January to discuss Easter planning and the clubs future events which we hope many of you will attend.

Check with the ALRC website for updates on the national at Stainby, further details may be given after the ALRC EGM and scrutineers meeting. I was disappointed with the ALRC councils help to Wye&Welsh, they did a good job for a small club.

Paul Simons amd Phil Wood are representing L&C at Lincs this coming weekends comp. Ben Parkes motor will be ready for Easter and Peter Barrance has been hard at it so I'm told. Both have been sadly missed. Congratulations to Graham Pink he ended up in the trophies in a triple entered 80" his two sons are in NERO. Graham is a very or very old L&C member and the competition within his family is fantastic, good on you.