Lancashire & Cheshire Rover Owners Club

Membership Application

Tick the box for the membership required

Single One Member ?18 ?
Joint Member + Partner ?23 ?
Joint + Junior Member + Partner + Child(ren) under 16 Yrs ?25 ?
Single + Junior Member + Child(ren) under 16 Yrs ?20 ?

Members full name ?
Associates full name ?
Child(ren) full name(s) ?
Home Address ?
Post Code ?
Telephone Home ?
Telephone Work ?
Telephone Mobile ?
E Mail Address ?
Rover Vehicle(s)Owned ?

How did you hear about the club? Please tick the appropriate box

Verbal ? Magazine ? Website ? Other ?

I hereby apply for membership to the Lancashire and Cheshire Rover Owners Club, and agree to

abide by the rules of the Club and the rules of all other organisations to which the Club subscibes.

Main Member:(sign) ________________________________Date__________

Second Member:(sign) _______________________________ Date__________

Please print out the form, fill it in, sign and then send to the membership secretary - :

Membership Secretary

Brian Cookson
7 FraserRoad
Great Sankey

Make cheques payable to: Lancs & Cheshire ROC Ltd